Capsules / Capsules Codes

Image used for capsule Capsules Codes

Capsules Codes


Showcase dedicated to the presentation of our capsules and blog articles. This platform highlights finished projects as well as those under development. Beyond just a list of projects, our site also shares a selection of articles created over time.

Through these articles, we share our ideas, advice, tutorials or other thoughts. They reflect our creative journey and the lessons we've learned throughout our project developments.


Simplicity is at the heart of our site. Built primarily as a static site, only a few dynamic elements enrich the experience, such as capsule and blog article management.

To achieve this, we have implemented a coherent set of technologies. The PHP Laravel framework allows us to handle server-side aspects, while Vue.js and TailwindCSS enhance the client-side interface. To tie it all together, Inertia.js facilitates communication between server and client.

With the Canvas tool, we manage and write the capsules and blog articles that make up the body of our website.

Using the Umami tool, we visualize analytical data without having to use cookies, thus complying with GDPR.


We believe in evolution through experimentation. That's why each capsule represents a project where we've sought to provide concrete solutions to real problems we encounter.

Whether it's projects with significant impact or just fleeting ideas, we're committed to exploring new perspectives with boldness and creativity.

Beyond individual projects, Capsules Codes is a space that demonstrates our fondness for web development. By sharing our capsules and gathering your feedback, we continually refine and improve ourselves. Thus, Capsules Codes crystallizes our desire to create, connect, and visibly showcase our attraction to the digital world.


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